Objective: To improve the environmental status of the Estonia-Latvia border water bodies by recovering derelict fishing gear.

The Project COREEL, co-funded by Interreg Estonia-Latvia Programme 2021-2027, aims to improve the environmental status of the Estonia-Latvia border water bodies by recovering derelict fishing gear (DFG). Key goals include establishing collection facilities for end-of-life (EOL) and derelict fishing gear in four locations, developing pre-processing methods for EOL and DFG, and promoting responsible recycling of fishing gear among six target groups: fishers, port managers, gear suppliers, municipalities, sectoral agencies, and waste management companies.

The project will develop and pilot an optimal DFG recovery model for the EstLat region, featuring a GIS map of hot spot areas and guidelines for DFG detection and recovery using sonar and ROV technology. Practical sea cleanups and on-land pre-processing workshops will validate the model.

For the first time in the Gulf of Riga and Lake Peipus, new sonar technology will pinpoint lost fishing gear across large areas. AUV equipped with sonar will provide high-quality imaging, less affected by wave conditions, while a ROV with a camera and cutting arm will recover DFG making the process faster and more cost-effective compared with the hook-dragging and diver involvement model. The project’s recommendations, along with the skills and equipment developed, will ensure ongoing DFG recovery efforts in the region.

Keep the Estonian Sea Tidy (KEST) is the Lead Partner of the project. Other project partners include Estonian Divers Association, Kurzeme Planning Region and Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology.

Project start August 1st 2024, end November 30th 2027. Total budget 1.225.671.25 EUR, Interreg Estonia-Latvia Programme co-funding 980.537.00 EUR.